Sunday, March 9, 2008

Interesting Quote of the Moment

Hello all, Tristan at your service.

On my quest for ideas for postings and such I decided that at least twice a week, I will present you all with an interesting line from one of the plays (to be used as many as ice breakers, points of interest, or simply as an attempt at making yourself look cool)

For this installment we have a quote from Comedy of Errors. The subject matter is something that people to this day have trouble speaking of or, on occasion, experiencing (especially with their significant other). That's right, it's all about the flatulence:

A man may break a word with you, sir, and words are but wind,
Ay, and break it in your face, so he break it not behind.
~Dromio of Ephesus-Act III, Scene I

*Quick note: These quotes may come from ANY of Shakespeare's plays. At least one of the Interesting Quotes of the Moment each week will come from one of the plays in the syllabus, I just thought it'd be interesting to branch out a bit. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Kristopher said...

I never thought I would see another post on this blog.

The requirement for posting on the blog is actually one per week (Which began a long time ago) but it is good that you're posting.

It is also an interesting quote that you put up, especially with a play we are not covering in class! I have a two-book collection of Shakespeare plays (including the gory Titus Andronicus) so I might have to check it out.

- Kristopher